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Showing posts from 2023

Dear, You..

Celebrating seven years of marriage (eagerly looking forward to the eighth next year!), we find ourselves today, deeply immersed in the life we began on that beautiful December day. We've navigated through seven chapters of stories as a married couple, marking seven anniversaries, and facing seven years of both trials and messes. Together, we've celebrated victories, weathered tearful rejections, pursued careers, sought education, and chased dreams. We've constructed a life filled with dreams—perhaps not exactly the life we dreamt of, but a life of dreams nonetheless. Our journey has been filled with seven years of bill payments, collaboration, child-rearing, medical emergencies, financial worries, and the inherent ups and downs of adult life. We've also faced six years of playful disputes over towels left on the bed, taking out the trash, cleaning the room, and the shared responsibilities and initiatives that come with partnership. Over these seven years, we've tru

Pengalaman (BUKAN) Warlok ANC Terpadu di Jogja 🏥

Hari ini, 21 Maret 2023 saya baru saja selesai menjalani ANC Terpadu. Salah satu program pemerintah yang diwajibkan untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil (more info bisa dibaca disini: ). Dan luar biasa, selesai hanya dalam beberapa jam saja! Oh ya, informasi yang saya terima dari nakes, untuk di Jogja seluruh ibu hamil yang akan menjalani proses persalinan di fasilitas publik (klinik kebidanan, puskesmas, dan rumah sakit) wajib mendapatkan ANC Terpadu. Singkat cerita, saya datang ke Puskesmas Depok II (Condongcatur, Sleman) yang berjarak sekitar 3km dari rumah, pukul 08.30 WIB. *agar informasi ini lebih mudah diakses bagi pembaca, saya sajikan dalam poin saja, ya.. kurang lebih begini alurnya. Di pintu masuk, saya mengambil nomor antrian dan menunggu panggilan. 15 menit menunggu, saya diarahkan ke bagian Pendaftaran dan Rekam Medis